URBAN POWER Genopfind og styrk potentialet frem for at indtage ny jord


Urban Power er en af de førende danske arkitekter på urban transformation. Dette nye website er en professionel og kreative portefølje af deres imponerende urbane projekter, og ligeså vigtigt et værktøj for organisationen såvel internt som pitch og præsentationer.

Med desktop-first tilgang har der været fokus på full-screen logik og intuitiv cursor navigation.

URBAN POWER is about strengthening the existing cities and rethinking the potential that lies in our urban areas, rather than occupying new land.

Citat Arne Cermak Nielsen

We wanted to archive a logic and yet nuanced portfolio, that could be used both as website and as a presentation of our portfolio for meetings. Furthermore the mobile appearance should be improved with a relatively simple interface and maintenance for us.

After talking with several agencies, we found the people that understood the level of customization, that we were looking for. Furthermore they we’re good to evaluate pros and cons of the various possibilities.

I was amazed by the level of customization Ruby could get out of the basic WordPress-approach.

Arne Cermak Nielsen
  • Mobile Excellence
  • Honorable Mention
  • Best in UX, UI and Innovation